One of the most popular two-person recreational boats available, the Drifter II features a high-spec fit-out that includes sliding seats. The two-person version of the Drifter Plus is a fun kayak for the whole family, and it can be paddled just as well by one person, or with two people on board.
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The Drifter Plus is a proven performer with great features. From your very first paddle, you will enjoy what this boat has to offer.
Skip is a stable, light boat that is great for the beginner and kids at heart. The Skip is ideal to start them off in the world of paddling with unlimited hours of enjoyment. And best of all, parents love the Skip, as it helps to keep the kids nearby, enjoying hours of fun in the water.
A kayak for everyone, the Safari Plus is a real ‘allrounder’. Great for paddling in rivers and lakes, the boat is designed with a unique shallow draft, with excellent tracking, stability and manoeuvrability.
The Murray Fishing is also available in a non-fishing fit-out because of its fantastic on-water paddling capabilities. It gives you speed, stability and the ability to carry heavier paddlers.